Empower Yourself in These Uncertain Times


Click Here to Register for the Special Master Class!

This special master class now includes the NEW and super cool SEM Mobile App

that enables you to be able to use any mobile device to make any of the SEM outlined in the emergency preparedness protocols included in this master class. 

In this special SEM master class you will learn...
exactly what you can do proactively to help to ensure you stay healthy in this time of high-stress and uncertainty.

Learn a step by step approach to utilizing SEM should symptoms of any acute condition arise.

Learn how to help someone remotely and at a distance who can not make and take SEM themselves.

Learn how to Create an Emergency SEM Preparedness Kit for Your Home, Office, Car as well as
for When You Travel!

And now you will have full access to the new SEM Mobile app...which to me is a priceless part of your emergency preparedness kit.

Unfortunately, this is a big topic with a lot to consider... and there is no short answer.

I decided to create this special master class so that I can explain and clearly outline everything that you need to know about acute conditions so that you're fully prepared now and for years to come.

It's important to me that I can answer all your questions.
And provide you with all the information... all tools... all the techniques... all the insider's tips and... a step by step outline for exactly... what to do and when.

So that you can rest assured...no mater what happens...you are prepared, ready and able to help yourself, your family, friends and neighbors.

Safely, easily and affordably.


COVID - 19 is not the cause of illness and death.

It's effect!

Learn exactly what that means...and more importantly what you can do proactively!



Access the Special Master Class on Any Device!

From the comfort and Safety of your own home!

All you need is access to the internet and you're all set...any time of day or night. Learn completely at your own pace. 


Learn a Step-by-Step Guide to Support You or Any of Your Family Members Who Develop Signs or Symptoms of Any Acute Condition


Learn how to Create an Emergency SEM Preparedness Kit for Your Home, Office, Car as well as for When You Travel!

Energy Healing - Non-Material SEM Session are Included in this Master Class.

The Non-Material Aspect of SEM is the fastest, most direct way I can support you in these high stress and unsettling times. 

Go Ahead and Empower Yourself with the Loving Gift of This Special Source Energy Medicine Master Class

Knowledge is Power.

Rest Assured in Knowing You Are Prepared in These Unsettling Times.

By the end of this master class, you will know how to skillfully, confidently and precisely utilize SEM...both proactively...as well as exactly what to do...step-by-step should any signs or symptoms appear.

You will have all the tools, tips, techniques, knowledge and resources to support you, your family and friends.

You will be able to use SEM to create an energetic emergency preparedness plan AND kit so that you'll be fully prepared at all times.

​You will learn how you can easily travel with your emergency kit anywhere you go regardless of mode of transportation.

You will have my direct support as well as the support of an amazing community of like-minded beautiful individuals coming together in a safe and friendly virtual community ​to share and support each other.





50% Complete

Two Step

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